Graduate Students

Susan Tilbury

Susan Tilbury, MT-BC

Susan is a PhD student in the Ecological Psychology interested in the dynamic relationship between body-brain and environment. As a retired opera singer and music therapist, her interests are inherently interdisciplinary, focused on the complex response of very many levels of rhythmic interactions within and across the networks in the body to continuously changing environmental information--particularly music.

Current projects are focused on: a thermodynamic perspective on human resilience & clinical interventions to improve or restore it;  an embodied dynamical model of groove and the pleasurable urge to move to music (PLUM); ecstatic experience in music and ritual (with co-advisor, Dimitris Xygalatas); network physiological dynamics in perception-action cycles from an ecological perspective.

When not obsessing over rhythm & resonance, Susan tends to obsess over writing original music, perfecting kombucha brewing techniques, cooking for & hosting fellow graduate students, and talking about her kids (adult daughter, Neve & 20-lb schipperke mix, Steve French) to anyone who will listen.

Hayes Brenner

Jeffrey Spenner